Translation of user manuals
In the case of electronic and mechanical equipment, it is extremely important for the client to receive the appropriate instruction manual along with the purchased equipment. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to prepare an appropriate instruction manual and translate it into the languages of the countries, in which the equipment will be sold.
We will translate the manual of your product in a way that is understandable to the future user. We will make sure that the manual explains the principles of operation, maintenance and possible repairs of the equipment in a clear and uncomplicated manner.
In the case of specialized equipment targeted at specific industries, we will make sure that the industry vocabulary is preserved entirely in 100%, no matter how specialized the field is.
We offer translation of the manuals for:
- vehicles,
- mechanical devices,
- home appliances and electronics,
- other electrical devices,
- software,
- games and toys.
We will provide the translation of the user manual, which will perfectly reflect the essence of the operation of the equipment. We offer:
- precise translation of the user manuals,
- use of specialized vocabulary,
- short delivery time,
- translation understandable to the recipient.