Translation of scientific articles
It often happens that we need to use an article while writing paper during the studies that is written in English. Therefore, the appropriate translation quality must be maintained. The content of scientific articles is too important to be translated by an inexperienced translator. Such articles are full of highly specialized terms that may be incomprehensible even for a person who speaks a given language. Working with such a text requires a lot of translator’s experience, one cannot forget about the need to educate further in a given field. No translator is born with a detailed knowledge of the issues of a given area of science.
Translation of bachelor’s theses
Translation of bachelor’s dissertations is a quite common kind of translation. More and more students after BA studies in Poland considers continuing their scientific career abroad. Translated bachelor’s theses may concern practically every scientific field known to man.
Translation of master’s theses
If you need to translate you master’s dissertation, you are probably preparing to undertake further studies abroad. In this case, when applying for doctoral studies abroad, it is very important that your master’s thesis is written in the right way.
Translation of PhD dissertations
Of all three types of translation, it is the translation of PhD dissertations that may turn out to be the most difficult. A doctorate is usually a huge source of information. People who apply for this degree must, after all, create a paper that will satisfy a very demanding committee.
We translate materials for scientific papers in any field. We offer translations of the following documents:
- scientific papers,
- scientific articles,
- book fragments,
- scientific publications.
We also offer translation of finished works:
- translation of bachelor’s theses,
- translation of master’s theses,
- translation of PhD dissertations.
We are able to help you translate texts on any scientific discipline. Our experience in translating scientific materials has been achieved through work on texts from the following areas:
- history,
- history of art,
- biology,
- botany,
- urbanism,
- mathematics,
- logic,
- medicine,
- canon law,
- tourism,
- chemistry,
- physics.